Thursday, November 29, 2012

Subliminal Affirmation: Everything is Possible

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording  

I am motivated by my belief that everything is possible for me.

This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.

Click Here to access the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.
The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:

  • I am motivated by my belief that everything is possible for me.  
  • You are motivated by the belief that everything is possible for you.  
  • Other people notice that you are motivated by your conviction and understanding that everything is possible for you.  
  • Confident people, just like you, are motivated by their conviction and understanding that everything is possible for them.

The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 
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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.
I'd enjoy hearing from you!
tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Subliminal Affirmation: Unique Skills & Talents

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording  

I have many unique gifts, skills and talents.
This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.

Click Here to access  the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.
The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:
  • I have many unique gifts, skills and talents.  
  • You have many unique gifts, skills and talents.  
  • Other people respect you because you have many unique gifts, skills and talents.  
  • Confident people, just like you, recognize and appreciate their unique gifts, skills and talents.

The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 
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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.
I'd enjoy hearing from you!
tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help

Subliminal Affirmation: Overcome Challenges

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording  

I learn from my challenges and easily find ways to overcome them.

This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.

Click Here to access the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:
  • I learn from my challenges and can easily find ways to overcome them. 
  • You learn from your challenges and can easily find ways to overcome them. 
  • Other people respect you because you learn from your challenges and are confident in your ability to find ways to overcome them. 
  • Confident people, just like you, learn from their challenges and are confident in their ability to find ways to overcome them.

The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 

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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.
I'd enjoy hearing from you!
tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Subliminal Affirmation: Reinvent Yourself

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording  
I have the freedom to reinvent myself daily.

This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.

Click Here to access the mp3 version for FREE from
For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.
The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:
  • I have the freedom and power to reinvent myself daily.
  • You have the freedom and power to reinvent yourself daily.
  • Other people respect your freedom and power to reinvent yourself daily.
  • Confident people, just like you, understand that they have the freedom and power to reinvent themselves daily.

The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 

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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.
I'd enjoy hearing from you!
tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help

Monday, November 26, 2012

Subliminal Affirmation: Power

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording  

I have the power to change my life for the better. 

This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:
  • I have the power to change my life for the better. 
  • You have the power to change your life for the better.
  • Other people notice that you have the power to change your life for the better. 
  • Confident people, just like you, know that they have the power to change their lives for the better. 
The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.

I'd enjoy hearing from you!

tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help

Friday, November 23, 2012

Subliminal Affirmation: Perfect

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording  

I am perfect just as I am

This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.

Click Here to access the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:
  • I am perfect just as I am. 
  • You are perfect just as you are. 
  • Other people understand that you are perfect just as you are. 
  • Confident people, just like you, understand that they are perfect just as they are. 

The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.

I'd enjoy hearing from you!

tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Subliminal Affirmation: Unique & Valuable

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording  
I am thankful for my unique and valuable life.

This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.

Click Here to access the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:
  • I am thankful for my unique and valuable life.  
  • You are thankful for your unique and valuable life.  
  • Other people are thankful for your unique and valuable life.  
  • Other people respect your uniqueness and see you as a valuable person.  
  • People with high self-esteem, like you, are thankful for their unique and valuable lives. 

 The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 

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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.
I'd enjoy hearing from you!
tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Subliminal Affirmation: Accomplishments

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording  

I take credit for all of my accomplishments.   

This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.

Click Here to access the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:
  • I take credit for all of my accomplishments.
  • All of my accomplishments are due to my actions. 
  • You take credit for all of your accomplishments.
  • All of your accomplishments are due to your actions. 
  • Other people understand that your hard work is the reason for your success. 
  • Successful people, just like you, understand that their hard work is the reason for their success. 

The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.

I'd enjoy hearing from you!

tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Subliminal Affirmation: Self-Trust

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording  

I trust and rely on myself. 

This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.

Click Here to access the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:
  • I trust and rely on myself. 
  • You trust and rely on yourself. 
  • Other people respect the fact that you trust and rely on yourself. 
  • People with high self-esteem, just like you, trust and rely on themselves. 

The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.

I'd enjoy hearing from you!

tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help

Monday, November 19, 2012

Subliminal Affirmation: Unconditional Love & Acceptance

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording  

I am worthy of unconditional love and acceptance. 

This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.

Click Here to access the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

*The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:
  • I am worthy of unconditional love and acceptance. 
  • You are worthy of unconditional love and acceptance. 
  • Other people understand that you are worthy of unconditional love and acceptance. 
  • Confident people, just like you, know that they are worthy of unconditional love and acceptance.

The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.

I'd enjoy hearing from you!

tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Subliminal Affirmation: Accept Yourself


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording  

I love and accept myself just the way I am.

This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.

Click Here to access the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

*The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:
  • I love and accept myself just the way I am.
  • You love and accept yourself just the way you are. 
  • Other people respect you because you love and accept yourself just the way you are. 
  • Confident people, just like you, love and accept themselves just the way they are. 

The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.

I'd enjoy hearing from you!

tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help

Subliminal Affirmation: Forgive Yourself

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording  

I easily forgive myself for mistakes made in the past. 

This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.

Click Here to access the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

*The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:
  • I forgive myself for mistakes I have made in the past.
  • You forgive yourself for mistakes that you have made in the past.
  • Other people respect you because you forgive yourself for mistakes that you have made in the past. 
  • People with high self-esteem, just like you, easily forgive themselves for mistakes made in the past. 

The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.

I'd enjoy hearing from you!

tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Subliminal Affirmation: Unique Gifts

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording  

I am a unique person who has many gifts to share with the world.  

This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:
  • I am a unique person who has many gifts to share with the world. 
  • You are a unique person who has many gifts to share with the world. 
  • Other people appreciate the fact that you are a unique person who has many gifts to share with the world. 
  • Confident people, just like you, realize that they are unique people with many gifts to share with the world. 

The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.

I'd enjoy hearing from you!

tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help

Subliminal Affirmation: Gratitude

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording  

I am filled with gratitude for all the abundance in my life.

This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

Click Here to access the mp3 version for FREE from

The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:
  • I am filled with deep gratitude for all the abundance in my life.
  • You are filled with deep gratitude for all the abundance in your life.
  • Other people appreciate the deep gratitude you hold for all the abundance in your life. 
  • People with high self-esteem, like you, are filled with deep gratitude for all the abundance in their lives. 

The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.

I'd enjoy hearing from you!

tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help

Monday, November 12, 2012

Subliminal Affirmation: Freedom

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording  

I am free to pursue my own happiness. 

This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.  

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

Click Here to access the mp3 version for FREE from

*The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:
  • I am free to pursue my own happiness. 
  • You are free to pursue your own happiness. 
  • Other people respect you because you give yourself the freedom to pursue your own happiness. 
  • Pursuing your own happiness inspires other people to do the same. 
  • Free people, just like you, pursue their own happiness. 

The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.

I'd enjoy hearing from you!

tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help

Friday, November 9, 2012

Subliminal Affirmation: Love and Affection

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."
~ Buddha 

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording  

I deserve love and affection. 

This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:
  • I deserve love and affection. 
  • You deserve love and affection. 
  • Other people understand that you deserve love and affection.
  • Happy people, just like you, understand that they deserve love and affection. 

The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.

I'd enjoy hearing from you!

tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Subliminal Affirmation: Goodwill

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording  

I give other people the goodwill that I want them to give to me. 

This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:

  • I give other people the goodwill that I want them to give to me. 
  • You give other people the goodwill that you want them to give to you. 
  • Other people respect you because you give others the goodwill that you want them to give to you. 
  • People with high self-esteem, just like you, give others the goodwill that they want given to them. 

The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.

I'd enjoy hearing from you!

tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help

Subliminal Affirmation: Thoughts & Feelings

I've finally stopped running away from myself, who else is there better to be?
~Goldie Hawn

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording  

I am honest about what I think and feel. 

This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:
  • I am honest about what I think and feel. 
  • You are honest about what you think and feel. 
  • Other people respect you because you are honest about what you think and feel. 
  • Successful people, just like you, are honest about what they think and feel. 

The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.

I'd enjoy hearing from you!

tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Subliminal Affirmation: Achieve Great Things

The first and most important step toward success is the feeling that we can succeed. 

~ Nelson Boswell

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

I believe in my ability to achieve great things. 

This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.


Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:
  • I believe in my ability to achieve great things. 
  • You believe in your ability to achieve great things. 
  • Other people respect you because you believe in your ability to achieve great things. 
  • Successful people, just like you, believe in their ability to achieve great things. 

The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.

I'd enjoy hearing from you!

tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help

Monday, November 5, 2012

Subliminal Affirmation: Situations as Opportunities

Today's affirmation is based upon the following quote. 

Every situation, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity.
- Helen Schucman 

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording  

I see every situation as an opportunity. 

This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from
For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:

  • I perceive every situation as an opportunity. 
  • You perceive every situation as an opportunity. 
  • Other people respect you because you perceive every situation as an opportunity. 
  • Successful people, just like you, perceive every situation as an opportunity.

The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.

I'd enjoy hearing from you!

tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help

Friday, November 2, 2012

Subliminal Affirmation: My Best is Enough

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording  

It is enough to do my best. 

This affirmation is read verbally once before being sped up and repeated supraliminally one hundred additional times in various formats*.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:

  • It is enough to do my best. 
  • It is enough to do your best. 
  • Other people understand that it is enough to do your best. 
  • Successful people, just like you, know that it is enough to do their best.

The theme for November is Self-Esteem. 


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.

I'd enjoy hearing from you!

tags: positive, thoughts, thinking, law, of, attraction, LOA, success, motivation, affirmation, subliminal, supraliminal, hypnosis, Denver, Sheilah, Davis, leadership, self-help