Our thoughts create our reality. Nourish your mind with a daily positive affirmation and a free subliminal mp3 to imprint the new positive information into your subconscious.
[caption id="attachment_2948" align="aligncenter" width="268" caption="Theme of the Week: Assertiveness"][/caption]
Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording
These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.
Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from 4Shared.com
For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.
The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.
I am important.
I have a right to be the person that I really am.
Only I determine who I am and what my goals should be.
I am always safe and protected.
I can put my true self forward.
Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.
Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.Do you still have questions?Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?If so, email Sheilah.
These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.
Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from 4Shared.com
For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.
The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.
I choose to live a happy fulfilling life now.
I am whole, complete and healthy.
I am content with who I am and feel good about myself.
I love my life now.
I look forward to the adventure of the future.
Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.
Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.Do you still have questions?Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?If so, email Sheilah.
These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.
Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from 4Shared.com
For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.
The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.
I approve of myself.
I am perfect just as I am.
I am generous and accepting of myself.
I accept my current circumstances.
My self-acceptance gives others permission to love and accept themselves.
Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.
Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.Do you still have questions?Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?If so, email Sheilah.
These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.
Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from 4Shared.com
For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.
The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.
I take control of my life.
I actively work to improve my life circumstances.
I continually grow.
I have replaced any feelings of helplessness with self-control.
I am now in control of the life I choose to live.
Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.
Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.Do you still have questions?Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?If so, email Sheilah.
These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.
Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from 4Shared.com
For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.
The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.
I know that I am truly in control of my life.
The circumstances in my life are the result of all that I think, do and feel.
I focus on what is important to me and understand that my life is a reflection of my priorities.
I pay attention to my needs and am committed to taking care of myself.
I allow myself to feel good mentally, physically and emotionally.
Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.
Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.Do you still have questions?Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?If so, email Sheilah.
These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.
Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from 4Shared.com
For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.
The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.
I love my life.
I live for today.
I choose to feel happy.
I live in the moment.
I allow myself to enjoy living every moment of my life.
Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.
Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.Do you still have questions?Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?If so, email Sheilah.
These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.
Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from 4Shared.com
For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.
The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.
I am worthy of great love.
I am now attracting a partner who loves me unconditionally.
My perfect companion is guided to me.
I am naturally drawn to my perfect companion.
My meeting with my perfect companion will fall into place easily.
I have been asked to offer a subliminal version of all the affirmations for the week, you may elect to purchase it by clicking it on the above link. Please note that purchasing the recording is not necessary as you will get the same content by downloading the free daily versions.
Thank you for your suggestions and requests. I apologize for being a little behind on them but appreciate hearing from you. Your emails and letters keep me motivated to continue this blog.
Wishing you the best of success,
How Hypnosis Recordings Can Help You Now: You have three levels of mind which work together to create the wonderful person that you are. Your unconscious mind regulates your biological patterns; your conscious mind helps you navigate your world, while your subconscious mind directs your behavior based upon the information given it via your conscious mind. Sometimes, though, the information that you wish to integrate into your subconscious mind is filtered through the critical factor of the conscious mind. When you truly desire to change your behavior on an innate level, you must bypass the critical factor of your conscious mind and implant the new information directly into your subconscious mind.
Affirmations are one method of getting information into your subconscious mind. Guided affirmations involve listening to an affirmation repeatedly; this method not only allows the positive suggestion to be heard by your conscious mind but their repetition allows them to make an impact on your subconscious level of mind.
.Supraliminal suggestions are a form of subliminal affirmations that are recorded at high frequencies, outside the threshold of conscious human hearing. Although there are no audible words, your subconscious will still hear the affirmation. This process can help you bypass the critical factor of the conscious mind helping you make the changes you truly desire.
On the recording I will speak each affirmation one time and then it will repeat subliminally ten more times. Repeating the affirmation numerous times will serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.
Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.
Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.Do you still have questions?Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?If so, email Sheilah.
These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.
Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from 4Shared.com
For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.
The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.
I see and feel myself becoming more confident with each passing day.
I choose to be and feel attractive and desirable.
People find me attractive.
I connect with everyone I meet easily and effortlessly.
I easily attract new friends and companions.
I have been asked to offer a subliminal version of all the affirmations for the week, you may elect to purchase it by clicking it on the above link. Please note that purchasing the recording is not necessary as you will get the same content by downloading the free daily versions.
Thank you for your suggestions and requests. I apologize for being a little behind on them but appreciate hearing from you. Your emails and letters keep me motivated to continue this blog.
Wishing you the best of success,
How Hypnosis Recordings Can Help You Now: You have three levels of mind which work together to create the wonderful person that you are. Your unconscious mind regulates your biological patterns; your conscious mind helps you navigate your world, while your subconscious mind directs your behavior based upon the information given it via your conscious mind. Sometimes, though, the information that you wish to integrate into your subconscious mind is filtered through the critical factor of the conscious mind. When you truly desire to change your behavior on an innate level, you must bypass the critical factor of your conscious mind and implant the new information directly into your subconscious mind.
Affirmations are one method of getting information into your subconscious mind. Guided affirmations involve listening to an affirmation repeatedly; this method not only allows the positive suggestion to be heard by your conscious mind but their repetition allows them to make an impact on your subconscious level of mind.
.Supraliminal suggestions are a form of subliminal affirmations that are recorded at high frequencies, outside the threshold of conscious human hearing. Although there are no audible words, your subconscious will still hear the affirmation. This process can help you bypass the critical factor of the conscious mind helping you make the changes you truly desire.
On the recording I will speak each affirmation one time and then it will repeat subliminally ten more times. Repeating the affirmation numerous times will serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.
Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.
Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.Do you still have questions?Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?If so, email Sheilah.
These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.
Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from 4Shared.com
For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.
The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.
I express love and kindness towards everyone.
I allow myself to feel uplifted by unconditional love for myself and for others.
From this moment forward I will hold love in my heart for all people.
From this day forward I am going to express love in thought, deed, and action.
I am attracting wonderful and loving people into my life.
I have been asked to offer a subliminal version of all the affirmations for the week, you may elect to purchase it by clicking it on the above link. Please note that purchasing the recording is not necessary as you will get the same content by downloading the free daily versions.
Thank you for your suggestions and requests. I apologize for being a little behind on them but appreciate hearing from you. Your emails and letters keep me motivated to continue this blog.
Wishing you the best of success,
How Hypnosis Recordings Can Help You Now: You have three levels of mind which work together to create the wonderful person that you are. Your unconscious mind regulates your biological patterns; your conscious mind helps you navigate your world, while your subconscious mind directs your behavior based upon the information given it via your conscious mind. Sometimes, though, the information that you wish to integrate into your subconscious mind is filtered through the critical factor of the conscious mind. When you truly desire to change your behavior on an innate level, you must bypass the critical factor of your conscious mind and implant the new information directly into your subconscious mind.
Affirmations are one method of getting information into your subconscious mind. Guided affirmations involve listening to an affirmation repeatedly; this method not only allows the positive suggestion to be heard by your conscious mind but their repetition allows them to make an impact on your subconscious level of mind.
.Supraliminal suggestions are a form of subliminal affirmations that are recorded at high frequencies, outside the threshold of conscious human hearing. Although there are no audible words, your subconscious will still hear the affirmation. This process can help you bypass the critical factor of the conscious mind helping you make the changes you truly desire.
On the recording I will speak each affirmation one time and then it will repeat subliminally ten more times. Repeating the affirmation numerous times will serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.
Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.
Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.Do you still have questions?Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?If so, email Sheilah.
These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.
Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from 4Shared.com
For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.
The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.
I fill myself with love.
I love myself.
I radiate love to every person around me.
I feel loved and appreciated.
I allow my heart to reflect and feel love now.
I have been asked to offer a subliminal version of all the affirmations for the week, you may elect to purchase it by clicking it on the above link. Please note that purchasing the recording is not necessary as you will get the same content by downloading the free daily versions.
Thank you for your suggestions and requests. I apologize for being a little behind on them but appreciate hearing from you. Your emails and letters keep me motivated to continue this blog.
Wishing you the best of success,
How Hypnosis Recordings Can Help You Now: You have three levels of mind which work together to create the wonderful person that you are. Your unconscious mind regulates your biological patterns; your conscious mind helps you navigate your world, while your subconscious mind directs your behavior based upon the information given it via your conscious mind. Sometimes, though, the information that you wish to integrate into your subconscious mind is filtered through the critical factor of the conscious mind. When you truly desire to change your behavior on an innate level, you must bypass the critical factor of your conscious mind and implant the new information directly into your subconscious mind.
Affirmations are one method of getting information into your subconscious mind. Guided affirmations involve listening to an affirmation repeatedly; this method not only allows the positive suggestion to be heard by your conscious mind but their repetition allows them to make an impact on your subconscious level of mind.
.Supraliminal suggestions are a form of subliminal affirmations that are recorded at high frequencies, outside the threshold of conscious human hearing. Although there are no audible words, your subconscious will still hear the affirmation. This process can help you bypass the critical factor of the conscious mind helping you make the changes you truly desire.
On the recording I will speak each affirmation one time and then it will repeat subliminally ten more times. Repeating the affirmation numerous times will serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.
Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.
Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.Do you still have questions?Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?If so, email Sheilah.
These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.
Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from 4Shared.com
For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.
The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.
I deserve love.
I deserve happiness.
I open my heart to love.
I am open to receiving love in my life.
I deserve to give and receive love now.
I have been asked to offer a subliminal version of all the affirmations for the week, you may elect to purchase it by clicking it on the above link. Please note that purchasing the recording is not necessary as you will get the same content by downloading the free daily versions.
Thank you for your suggestions and requests. I apologize for being a little behind on them but appreciate hearing from you. Your emails and letters keep me motivated to continue this blog.
Wishing you the best of success,
How Hypnosis Recordings Can Help You Now: You have three levels of mind which work together to create the wonderful person that you are. Your unconscious mind regulates your biological patterns; your conscious mind helps you navigate your world, while your subconscious mind directs your behavior based upon the information given it via your conscious mind. Sometimes, though, the information that you wish to integrate into your subconscious mind is filtered through the critical factor of the conscious mind. When you truly desire to change your behavior on an innate level, you must bypass the critical factor of your conscious mind and implant the new information directly into your subconscious mind.
Affirmations are one method of getting information into your subconscious mind. Guided affirmations involve listening to an affirmation repeatedly; this method not only allows the positive suggestion to be heard by your conscious mind but their repetition allows them to make an impact on your subconscious level of mind.
.Supraliminal suggestions are a form of subliminal affirmations that are recorded at high frequencies, outside the threshold of conscious human hearing. Although there are no audible words, your subconscious will still hear the affirmation. This process can help you bypass the critical factor of the conscious mind helping you make the changes you truly desire.
On the recording I will speak each affirmation one time and then it will repeat subliminally ten more times. Repeating the affirmation numerous times will serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.
Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.
Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.Do you still have questions?Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?If so, email Sheilah.
[caption id="attachment_2862" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Photo Courtesy of Gabriella Fabbri"][/caption]
Theme of the week: Attracting Abundance and Prosperity
Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording
These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.
Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from 4Shared.com
For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.
The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.
I maintain an attitude of gratitude.
Feeling joyful attracts abundance.
My day is filled with limitless potential in joy, abundance and love.
My grateful heart draws abundance like a magnet.
I am unaffected by negativity and have the ability to enjoy the all of the good things that life has to offer.
I have been asked to offer a subliminal version of all the affirmations for the week, you may elect to purchase it by clicking it on the above link. Please note that purchasing the recording is not necessary as you will get the same content by downloading the free daily versions.
Thank you for your suggestions and requests. I apologize for being a little behind on them but appreciate hearing from you. Your emails and letters keep me motivated to continue this blog.
Wishing you the best of success,
How Hypnosis Recordings Can Help You Now: You have three levels of mind which work together to create the wonderful person that you are. Your unconscious mind regulates your biological patterns; your conscious mind helps you navigate your world, while your subconscious mind directs your behavior based upon the information given it via your conscious mind. Sometimes, though, the information that you wish to integrate into your subconscious mind is filtered through the critical factor of the conscious mind. When you truly desire to change your behavior on an innate level, you must bypass the critical factor of your conscious mind and implant the new information directly into your subconscious mind.
Affirmations are one method of getting information into your subconscious mind. Guided affirmations involve listening to an affirmation repeatedly; this method not only allows the positive suggestion to be heard by your conscious mind but their repetition allows them to make an impact on your subconscious level of mind.
.Supraliminal suggestions are a form of subliminal affirmations that are recorded at high frequencies, outside the threshold of conscious human hearing. Although there are no audible words, your subconscious will still hear the affirmation. This process can help you bypass the critical factor of the conscious mind helping you make the changes you truly desire.
On the recording I will speak each affirmation one time and then it will repeat subliminally ten more times. Repeating the affirmation numerous times will serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.
Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.
Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.Do you still have questions?Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?If so, email Sheilah.
[caption id="attachment_2862" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Photo Courtesy of Gabriella Fabbri"][/caption]
Theme of the week: Attracting Abundance and Prosperity
Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording
These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.
Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from 4Shared.com
For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.
The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.
My prosperity serves the greater good.
I exude passion, purpose and prosperity.
I am wise, kind and generous with my money.
I am always led to the people who need what I have to offer.
As my commitment to help others grows, so does my wealth.
I have been asked to offer a subliminal version of all the affirmations for the week, you may elect to purchase it by clicking it on the above link. Please note that purchasing the recording is not necessary as you will get the same content by downloading the free daily versions.
Thank you for your suggestions and requests. I apologize for being a little behind on them but appreciate hearing from you. Your emails and letters keep me motivated to continue this blog.
Wishing you the best of success,
How Hypnosis Recordings Can Help You Now: You have three levels of mind which work together to create the wonderful person that you are. Your unconscious mind regulates your biological patterns; your conscious mind helps you navigate your world, while your subconscious mind directs your behavior based upon the information given it via your conscious mind. Sometimes, though, the information that you wish to integrate into your subconscious mind is filtered through the critical factor of the conscious mind. When you truly desire to change your behavior on an innate level, you must bypass the critical factor of your conscious mind and implant the new information directly into your subconscious mind.
Affirmations are one method of getting information into your subconscious mind. Guided affirmations involve listening to an affirmation repeatedly; this method not only allows the positive suggestion to be heard by your conscious mind but their repetition allows them to make an impact on your subconscious level of mind.
.Supraliminal suggestions are a form of subliminal affirmations that are recorded at high frequencies, outside the threshold of conscious human hearing. Although there are no audible words, your subconscious will still hear the affirmation. This process can help you bypass the critical factor of the conscious mind helping you make the changes you truly desire.
On the recording I will speak each affirmation one time and then it will repeat subliminally ten more times. Repeating the affirmation numerous times will serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.
Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.
Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.Do you still have questions?Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?If so, email Sheilah.
[caption id="attachment_2862" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Photo Courtesy of Gabriella Fabbri"][/caption]
Theme of the week: Attracting Abundance and Prosperity
Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording
These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.
Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from 4Shared.com
For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.
The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.
I draw prosperity of all kinds towards myself.
I am constantly attracting good things to me.
I am easily led to the abundance I desire.
I firmly believe that I will receive an increasing amount of money this day and every day from this moment forward.
I now realize that I can have unlimited abundance in my life.
I have been asked to offer a subliminal version of all the affirmations for the week, you may elect to purchase it by clicking it on the above link. Please note that purchasing the recording is not necessary as you will get the same content by downloading the free daily versions.
Thank you for your suggestions and requests. I apologize for being a little behind on them but appreciate hearing from you. Your emails and letters keep me motivated to continue this blog.
Wishing you the best of success,
How Hypnosis Recordings Can Help You Now: You have three levels of mind which work together to create the wonderful person that you are. Your unconscious mind regulates your biological patterns; your conscious mind helps you navigate your world, while your subconscious mind directs your behavior based upon the information given it via your conscious mind. Sometimes, though, the information that you wish to integrate into your subconscious mind is filtered through the critical factor of the conscious mind. When you truly desire to change your behavior on an innate level, you must bypass the critical factor of your conscious mind and implant the new information directly into your subconscious mind.
Affirmations are one method of getting information into your subconscious mind. Guided affirmations involve listening to an affirmation repeatedly; this method not only allows the positive suggestion to be heard by your conscious mind but their repetition allows them to make an impact on your subconscious level of mind.
.Supraliminal suggestions are a form of subliminal affirmations that are recorded at high frequencies, outside the threshold of conscious human hearing. Although there are no audible words, your subconscious will still hear the affirmation. This process can help you bypass the critical factor of the conscious mind helping you make the changes you truly desire.
On the recording I will speak each affirmation one time and then it will repeat subliminally ten more times. Repeating the affirmation numerous times will serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.
Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.
Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.Do you still have questions?Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?If so, email Sheilah.
[caption id="attachment_2862" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Photo Courtesy of Gabriella Fabbri"][/caption]
Theme of the week: Attracting Abundance and Prosperity
Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording
These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.
Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from 4Shared.com
For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.
The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.
I know that life is abundant and I accept abundance in my life now.
I open to the flow of abundance in every area of my life.
I am willing to be more abundant now.
Abundance is around me, abundance is within me, and abundance moves through me.
Money flows to me easily and effortlessly because I am open and receptive to all the good things that life has to offer.
I have been asked to offer a subliminal version of all the affirmations for the week, you may elect to purchase it by clicking it on the above link. Please note that purchasing the recording is not necessary as you will get the same content by downloading the free daily versions.
Thank you for your suggestions and requests. I apologize for being a little behind on them but appreciate hearing from you. Your emails and letters keep me motivated to continue this blog.
Wishing you the best of success,
How Hypnosis Recordings Can Help You Now: You have three levels of mind which work together to create the wonderful person that you are. Your unconscious mind regulates your biological patterns; your conscious mind helps you navigate your world, while your subconscious mind directs your behavior based upon the information given it via your conscious mind. Sometimes, though, the information that you wish to integrate into your subconscious mind is filtered through the critical factor of the conscious mind. When you truly desire to change your behavior on an innate level, you must bypass the critical factor of your conscious mind and implant the new information directly into your subconscious mind.
Affirmations are one method of getting information into your subconscious mind. Guided affirmations involve listening to an affirmation repeatedly; this method not only allows the positive suggestion to be heard by your conscious mind but their repetition allows them to make an impact on your subconscious level of mind.
.Supraliminal suggestions are a form of subliminal affirmations that are recorded at high frequencies, outside the threshold of conscious human hearing. Although there are no audible words, your subconscious will still hear the affirmation. This process can help you bypass the critical factor of the conscious mind helping you make the changes you truly desire.
On the recording I will speak each affirmation one time and then it will repeat subliminally ten more times. Repeating the affirmation numerous times will serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.
Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.
Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.Do you still have questions?Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?If so, email Sheilah.